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Administrative Secretary
Exceptional Service
We are searching for an Administrative Secretary for our Corporate offices who Can assist with the day to day operations and present a cheerful and welcoming greeting to our clients and customers.

Administrative Secretary: Project
Exemption Status: non-exempt
Responsible to: Executive Director, Finance Officer
Responsible for: none
General Statement of Duties:
Performs secretarial/clerk-typist IV and receptionist duties for the community rehabilitation program carrying out administrative and general office duties in support of CRP staff.
Responsibilities include maintaining and relaying CRP financial/programmatic/personnel info to Finance Officer.
Essential Duties:
- maintains program files; maintains inventory of office and janitorial supplies
- daily entry of client production timesheets into GAT (Graphic Activity Tracker by VocShop)
- runs client/staff payroll via Pensoft Payroll system
- relays payroll/personnel/tax liability/expenses/delivery tickets/invoices/purchase orders, etc. to Skills’ Finance Officer
- writes and calculates cash invoices, delivery tickets, cash receipts
- maintains personnel files, vendor/customer list
- tracks annual/sick leave, travel
- may issue purchase orders and assures receipt of correct items ordered
- answer telephone and direct calls to appropriate staff/program; take messages; place outgoing calls
- greet visitors, ascertain nature of business, and direct to appropriate program/staff
- type letters, reports, memos, etc.
- route mail, prepare out-going mail
- record minutes of meetings and transcribe notes
- make copies of correspondence or other printed material using copying machine
- file correspondence, invoices, receipts, vouchers, and other records in alphabetical order, numerical order, or according to subject matter
- reconcile bank statements/perform journal entry
Knowledge/Skills Requirements:
ability to deal tactfully and courteously with the public and clients
ability to maintain effective working relationship with staff
working knowledge of spelling, grammar, and vocabulary
ability to sort, file, collate
ability to operate basic office machines such as copier, calculator, fax machine
computer literate with working knowledge of Windows, Microsoft Word, Excel
ability to type 45 net wpm
ability to disseminate information, to work with minimum supervision; accountable
Required Physical Activities:
ability to balance, crouch, bend, stoop, crawl, walk, kneel, twist, stand, and sit ability to perform work duties eight hours a day; five days a week
Driving Requirements:
ability to drive
current valid driver’s license
dependable transportation
Other Requirements:
ability to understand written communications
analytical and decision making ability
toleration of environmental conditions (wetness, dust, noise, hot/cold, etc.)
ability to communicate (hearing and speech)
ability to comprehend verbal communications
qualify to be bonded
Experience and Training:
Associate degree in Secretarial Science, General Office Technology, or related field with 1 to 2 years experience; or high school graduate with at least 3 years of experience in relate field.
Nonessential Duties:
compose letters
perform related work as required
may purchase essential items for CRP
may supervise clients in production area
may teach class
work closely with Finance Officer
Administrative Secretary: Text
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